Improving Software for Society

Code of Conduct

Members of the Institution of Analysts and Programmers (IAP) agree to abide by the Institution’s Code of Conduct. The Institution takes breaches of its Code of Conduct by members extremely seriously.


When dealing professionally with members of the public, members shall:

•  Ensure that due regard is paid to public health and safety.

•  Endeavour to safeguard the legal rights of third parties.

•  Be aware of and observe the law of the land, particularly with reference to their chosen field.


Following the profession of analyst and programmer, members shall:

•  Conduct themselves as professionals at all times.

•  Uphold the dignity and reputation of the profession at all times.

•  Strive to improve professional standards.

•  Strive to advance public appreciation and understanding of computer technology.

•  Not misuse their expertise to mislead or manipulate computer users.

•  Refute false or misleading statements concerning the Profession and its practice.

•  Act with integrity and honesty towards other professionals with whom they may have contact.

•  Not make public statements unless competent to do so.


Members shall at all times endeavour to:

•  Observe the provisions of the Constitution and Code of Conduct of the Institution.

•  Conduct themselves honourably in the practice of their profession.

•  Maintain the dignity, reputation and welfare of the Institution.

•  Maintain or improve their professional competence with due regard to the technological progress which may be relevant to their chosen field.

•  Not lay claim to expertise that they do not possess.

•  Operate professionally according to recognised good practice in all aspects of their field.

•  Ensure that any professional opinion they give shall be objective and reliable.

•  Accept responsibility for their work.

•  Avoid conflict of interest between themselves and their client/employer and make full and immediate disclosure should such conflict occur.

•  Not terminate valid agreements without good and sufficient reason.

•  Encourage and support fellow members in their professional development, and where possible assist in introducing suitable new entrants to the Institution.


In professional dealings with their clients or employers, members shall whenever possible:

•  Work with proper care and regard for the requirements of the client or employer.

•  If their professional judgement is overruled indicate the likely consequences in writing.

•  Complete work within the stated constraints of time and budget, indicating immediately if any overrun is envisaged.

•  Neither offer nor receive any inducements for introduction of business without full disclosure of the facts to the client or employer.

•  Neither disclose nor authorise to be disclosed, confidential information acquired in the course of professional practice.

•  Not misrepresent the capabilities of systems, services or products with which they are professionally concerned.

•  Not take advantage of the inexperience or lack of knowledge of others.

•  Not handle client finances or place orders in the client’s name without prior written permission.

•  Not pretend to independent judgement on behalf of their client or employer on any product or service in which they have a professional interest.